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4 Benefits Your Family Will Enjoy With a Sunroom

Sep 28, 2022

According to the World Health Organization, exposure to sunlight on your face, arms, and hands for five to 15 minutes thrice a week will boost your vitamin D levels. However, perhaps basking out in the sun isn't attainable for you right now. What if you could bring the sun into your home with a sunroom? A sun parlor is a versatile room that allows maximum sunlight but has sufficient HVAC to protect your house from extreme weather conditions. Let's dive into the four benefits of having a sunroom in your home.

1. Boost Your Overall Health

A sunroom has physical and mental health benefits. First, according to Science Daily, adequate exposure to natural views improves the release of stress hormones. Second, according to, exposure to sunlight improves the production of vitamin D, which strengthens your bone health. Third, exposure to sunlight affects your mood positively, according to Healthline. Your sleep health will also improve because natural sunlight improves your circadian rhythm. In essence, you can never go wrong with more regulated sunlight.

2. Add More Usable Living Space

A sunroom can add value to your home if you need more relaxation space in your home. A sun parlor allows you to enjoy plenty of sunshine during summer and protects you during winter. Therefore, you don't have to worry about cold during colder seasons, yet you'll have extra space that you can customize to meet your lifestyle.

3. Increase Your House's Resale Value

Although the motivation for adding a sun parlor might not be resale, it may increase your resale value if you consider selling your house in the future. First, it improves your overall curb appeal, which is the first thing buyers see when they visit the property or see online pictures. A sunroom's added benefits will also increase your house's value.

4. Enjoy Plenty of Outdoor Benefits While Indoors 

Ultimately, the point of a sunroom is to help you enjoy the outdoors without really going out. You can soak in the sunlight with a book or a snack in hand. Further, the glass will block excessive sunlight, ensuring you have a memorable sunny experience. If you wish, you can add plants to the space that also enjoy the sunlight.

Are you looking to enjoy the multiple benefits of sunlight without basking? Do you want more value from your extra space? You will greatly benefit from a consultation with sun parlor construction experts. Contact C & M Sunrooms today!

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